Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Lying Game

Every so often we tell lies. It could be a "white" lie or a major one. It is okay to lie ONLY and I mean only if you know you are protecting someone - oh hell who am I kidding? No one likes being lied to. By nature kids do it to get them out of trouble. Depending on who their parents are, it may work. I know it took a lot to get one over on my mom. It was the same way with her mother (my grandmother). It was like my mom knew when I was lying. One thing she said to me that stuck with me till this day; even if I don't say anything I about, that doesn't mean I don't know about it. From that point on I told the truth. We all lie. Some more than others. A friend of mine has this bad. We often lie to keep from suffering the consequences and to protect people's feelings. Me personally, I prefer you be honest with me, but don't be an ass about it. The same rules apply to relationships. You know when your boyfriend or girlfriend does something they aren't supposed to or is frowned upon, they lie about it. Here is the problem with lying; someone or something always exposes you. In most cases it’s that person's phone or a picture posted on someone's Instagram. My point is, don't put yourself in a questionable position where you have to lie. Now, as I mentioned before, I couldn't lie about anything to my mom. That's because she is always thinking and is able to connect the dots.  Lucky me, I've learned how to do the same thing. So here's an example, remember that friend I mentioned earlier? She tried to run game on me a few weeks ago. She wanted to go to the movies with her mom. Now she asked me if I could watch her kids. I already had a bunch of things to do. Me being me, I told her I would see how much I had to do and let her know. I was on my way to the store at the time. She called me an hour later saying that her husband's mom may be able to watch them but I was plan B. Okay. Now, just to let you in on something, I have a hard time telling family "no". Well she's not really family, but close enough to be family. I'm working on it though. So she's explaining to me all these arrangements she has to make tin order to drop her kids off if I agree. At this point this was the third time she called. Now it feels like you're pressuring me and I don't like it at all. Putting two and two together, her husband's mom couldn't watch the kids. So my friend is upset about to cry because she wants to go and how she never spends any time with her mom and she already bought the tickets. Told her the same thing. Let me look and see how much I have to do and I would let her know and that was the end of our convo. So at this point, I'm feeling bad and thinking I could watch the kids till she comes back from the movies. Then it hit me; why would her mom buy tickets for her to go to the movies if my friend doesn't know where she's taking her kids. Something ain't adding up. Ran it past my mom and she said the same thing. By now I knew this chick was trying to run her little game on me. My answer was a solid "no" after that. It actually kinda pissed me off. See what I mean in connecting the dots. I also remember this guy I was messing around with was supposed to pick me up so we could go out. He tells me he’s on the highway. Okay, cool (these are texts btw). It's like 10 at night. Then 11 came and so did 12. This man clearly isn't coming. I text him top find out what the hell was going on and he says he's stuck at the house and his family won't let him leave. Wait, WHAT? You just told me you were on the highway. I was completely done with him at that point. Half an hour later he kept calling my phone. I had at least 10 missed calls. When I say I'm done, I mean just that. I could go on with more stories, but I won't. My point is you do more damage when you lie so why do it?

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