Monday, September 29, 2014

Make up to brake up. . .then make up again?

I honestly don’t see how people do it. You break up with someone… just to get back with them? Then break up again. I honestly don’t have the time or patience for someone to keep coming in and out of my life. Once you leave, you stay gone. You are the ex for a reason and I don’t need you reminding me over and over why things ended the last 5 previous times, it’s too much! Now I’m not knocking anyone who has been in this situation or is currently going through this, but at some point, don’t you realize that things are never going to change? So why keep taking someone back just to go through the same headache again? I know you love this person deeply, but love them enough to let them go and walk out the door to never return because obviously the shit just isn’t working.

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