Monday, September 29, 2014

Deal Breakers

When we’re interesting in someone, we approach them (or pray they approach us). Sometimes, unfortunately, we come across things or certain characteristics that we cannot and will not deal with and it can ultimately make us loose interest in the person. These are known as deal breakers. I remember a few years ago, I was approached by someone who was interested in getting to know me. This person was very attractive and I was very interested until…this person lit a cigarette. After that, all interest went out the window. That for me is a certified deal breaker. Now I know what you’re thinking; a lot of people do it, but I can’t stand the smell of it. It’s one thing if the person is willing to quit or MAYBE every so often smokes (brush your teeth afterwards damn it!), but smoking as a daily habit is not a good look when approaching me. So I ask you this question; what is your deal breaker? What is that one thing, or some of the things, that just makes you loose interest in someone?

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