Monday, September 29, 2014


I was watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and it hit me; these ladies really don’t like each other. Yet they invite each other on trips?Smile in each other’s face’s then talk bad behind each others back? I don’t get it. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the show (LOVE Kandi lol). So one word came to mind; frenemy. This term “frienemy” comes up quite often on tv or even in our social circle. Now what exactly is a frienemy? its basically someone who is your “friend” and they trash your name behind your back and smile in your face. It isn’t just once sided though. It takes two or more people to make this happen. So now you have multiple people involved. Honestly, I don’t believe in the shit. Either you’re my friend or you’re not and I don’t have the patience to figure you out either. If I’m talking shit behind your back, then clearly I’m not your friend. It amazes me how people put up with it. I’ll just stop dealing with you all together and save myself the headache.

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