Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Number One Relationship Killer: Cheating

This topic I feel a lot of people can relate to. I'm apologizing in advance if I'm jumping all over the place with this. It isn't just men that do it, women do it too. It's never happened to myself (not that I know of) and I've never been one to cheat. If I feel like I have to, then I will stop dealing with you all together. That's just me. I handle things this way for a couple reasons; karma is a bitch, a big one and I have enough respect for the other person to not do it while I'm with them. There are so many reasons why cheating happens. Could be a bad relationship or (let's keep 100) you think your ass can get away with it. In these cases, I have no sympathy for you for what is to come. We all make mistakes, but does the saying "I'm human" make it acceptable? Me personally,  it doesn't. It's so sad that it has become so common, we've become numb to it. Cheating isn't something that just happens,  it's a choice. Keep in mind this is all my opinion. For failing relationships, it doesn't mean you get to look else where, you stay and do what you can to work it out. If the relationship is broken beyond repair, then end that chapter and move on. It's that simple. People make things more complicated that what it really is. Those who think they're just that slick, one word, redrum! Hopefully you know what I mean by that. There are crazies in the world that will chop, shoot and kill your ass real quick over this. See me, I'm that person that believes in bricks in windshields (yeah, you read that right) and cutting brakes. I might cut you too in the process. My emotions are something to NOT play with and will get you severely hurt messing with me. Either way, it just isn't worth it. I would rather you be up front and say "Yo, this ain't workin." Sure I'll be hurt, but I'll respect you in the end. Now, I can't stay with someone after I found out they cheated. This is just my way of thinking; if you do it once, you'll do it again. I refuse to be the fool twice. Also,  man/or woman up to your mistakes. You make it worse when the other person finds out from other sources. This part here is specifically for the ladies. . .KNOW YOUR WORTH! If the man you're involved with keeps doing it, then clearly he doesn't respect you nor does he care about you as much as he claims. I know some people that have cheated on someone because they cheated first. . .what does it really solve, I mean honestly. Now you both look crazy cheating on each other and the deeper issue isn't being resolved. So you've caught him or her cheating. What do you do? Forgive and move forward or end things right then and there? Keep this in mind; if you take that person back, don't be surprised if they do it again. It's not always a bad thing to start over.

Monday, September 29, 2014


I was watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and it hit me; these ladies really don’t like each other. Yet they invite each other on trips?Smile in each other’s face’s then talk bad behind each others back? I don’t get it. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the show (LOVE Kandi lol). So one word came to mind; frenemy. This term “frienemy” comes up quite often on tv or even in our social circle. Now what exactly is a frienemy? its basically someone who is your “friend” and they trash your name behind your back and smile in your face. It isn’t just once sided though. It takes two or more people to make this happen. So now you have multiple people involved. Honestly, I don’t believe in the shit. Either you’re my friend or you’re not and I don’t have the patience to figure you out either. If I’m talking shit behind your back, then clearly I’m not your friend. It amazes me how people put up with it. I’ll just stop dealing with you all together and save myself the headache.

Make up to brake up. . .then make up again?

I honestly don’t see how people do it. You break up with someone… just to get back with them? Then break up again. I honestly don’t have the time or patience for someone to keep coming in and out of my life. Once you leave, you stay gone. You are the ex for a reason and I don’t need you reminding me over and over why things ended the last 5 previous times, it’s too much! Now I’m not knocking anyone who has been in this situation or is currently going through this, but at some point, don’t you realize that things are never going to change? So why keep taking someone back just to go through the same headache again? I know you love this person deeply, but love them enough to let them go and walk out the door to never return because obviously the shit just isn’t working.

Deal Breakers

When we’re interesting in someone, we approach them (or pray they approach us). Sometimes, unfortunately, we come across things or certain characteristics that we cannot and will not deal with and it can ultimately make us loose interest in the person. These are known as deal breakers. I remember a few years ago, I was approached by someone who was interested in getting to know me. This person was very attractive and I was very interested until…this person lit a cigarette. After that, all interest went out the window. That for me is a certified deal breaker. Now I know what you’re thinking; a lot of people do it, but I can’t stand the smell of it. It’s one thing if the person is willing to quit or MAYBE every so often smokes (brush your teeth afterwards damn it!), but smoking as a daily habit is not a good look when approaching me. So I ask you this question; what is your deal breaker? What is that one thing, or some of the things, that just makes you loose interest in someone?