Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Build Me a Man

So for anyone who is a K. Michelle fan like myself,  you know her album was released today, "Anybody Wanna Buy a Heart?". Deluxe version available at Best Buy. So as I was listening to the album.  One song stuck out the most. You guessed it, Build A Man. It basically talks about building the perfect man for herself by taking each of the better qualities of the men that has been in her life. This got me thinking. . .what if we really could build men. Take a good quality or feature from someone in your past and combine them to make this perfect man. I wonder how many of us would have the same man? Lol. She really touched me with this one (along with a few other ones) and she always manages to make feel emotions I don't want to feel, but that good music for you. That's what happens when you write about life.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


This all about setting expectations when trying to date. I often pride myself on not giving up everything so easily. I make them work for what they want. I realize I'm very traditional when it comes to dating. If I'm serious about someone, I won't sleep with them on the first date. I also don't send dirty pics to this person in the beginning. I want tjis person to respect me and understand the fact that I'm not easy.The only time I do that is when I plan on sleeping with this person, meaning there is no intentions on making things serious. I also expect more from you. For example, this guy who is currently trying to date me was suppose to call me Sunday. It is now Tuesday. I'm not calling him only because he gave me a specific time that he was going to call. I don't chase after people so we'll speak when HE decides to call. Why? Because he said he was going to. So one can only assume that I expect you to keep your word. May sound crazy, but oh well. Don't make promises you can't keep. I even had one guy ask to see a my ass. . .um no, I really am not interested in you like that so I definitely don't want to send you the message that I am. Bottom line is, set your expectations high and you quickly weed out those with not so good intentions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Lying Game

Every so often we tell lies. It could be a "white" lie or a major one. It is okay to lie ONLY and I mean only if you know you are protecting someone - oh hell who am I kidding? No one likes being lied to. By nature kids do it to get them out of trouble. Depending on who their parents are, it may work. I know it took a lot to get one over on my mom. It was the same way with her mother (my grandmother). It was like my mom knew when I was lying. One thing she said to me that stuck with me till this day; even if I don't say anything I about, that doesn't mean I don't know about it. From that point on I told the truth. We all lie. Some more than others. A friend of mine has this bad. We often lie to keep from suffering the consequences and to protect people's feelings. Me personally, I prefer you be honest with me, but don't be an ass about it. The same rules apply to relationships. You know when your boyfriend or girlfriend does something they aren't supposed to or is frowned upon, they lie about it. Here is the problem with lying; someone or something always exposes you. In most cases it’s that person's phone or a picture posted on someone's Instagram. My point is, don't put yourself in a questionable position where you have to lie. Now, as I mentioned before, I couldn't lie about anything to my mom. That's because she is always thinking and is able to connect the dots.  Lucky me, I've learned how to do the same thing. So here's an example, remember that friend I mentioned earlier? She tried to run game on me a few weeks ago. She wanted to go to the movies with her mom. Now she asked me if I could watch her kids. I already had a bunch of things to do. Me being me, I told her I would see how much I had to do and let her know. I was on my way to the store at the time. She called me an hour later saying that her husband's mom may be able to watch them but I was plan B. Okay. Now, just to let you in on something, I have a hard time telling family "no". Well she's not really family, but close enough to be family. I'm working on it though. So she's explaining to me all these arrangements she has to make tin order to drop her kids off if I agree. At this point this was the third time she called. Now it feels like you're pressuring me and I don't like it at all. Putting two and two together, her husband's mom couldn't watch the kids. So my friend is upset about to cry because she wants to go and how she never spends any time with her mom and she already bought the tickets. Told her the same thing. Let me look and see how much I have to do and I would let her know and that was the end of our convo. So at this point, I'm feeling bad and thinking I could watch the kids till she comes back from the movies. Then it hit me; why would her mom buy tickets for her to go to the movies if my friend doesn't know where she's taking her kids. Something ain't adding up. Ran it past my mom and she said the same thing. By now I knew this chick was trying to run her little game on me. My answer was a solid "no" after that. It actually kinda pissed me off. See what I mean in connecting the dots. I also remember this guy I was messing around with was supposed to pick me up so we could go out. He tells me he’s on the highway. Okay, cool (these are texts btw). It's like 10 at night. Then 11 came and so did 12. This man clearly isn't coming. I text him top find out what the hell was going on and he says he's stuck at the house and his family won't let him leave. Wait, WHAT? You just told me you were on the highway. I was completely done with him at that point. Half an hour later he kept calling my phone. I had at least 10 missed calls. When I say I'm done, I mean just that. I could go on with more stories, but I won't. My point is you do more damage when you lie so why do it?

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Must Watch

I finally got a chance to catch up on If Loving You Is Wrong. I'm hooked lol. That show is intense though. I don't have a favorite character, but I'm still watching. So if anyone have been watching, it got crazy real fast; in fact the first episode was crazy lol. Now What I didn't know was that Denzel from this season of America's Next Top Model is on there. Kinda made things just a bit more interesting. What I DID notice is all the damn eye candy on that show! I'm already married to two and pregnant with one's baby (in my mind that is lol) but I must say, Tyler Perry has really out done himself with this cast. I don't know if any of you remember a show that came on the CW called Hellcats; I watched that show faithful lol. One of the characters that was on that show is a cast member. Had no she was on there. . .or more like I didn't recognize her. Her character is Marci. Speaking of which, I hope she drags Alex's ass (after the baby) across the damn street. In case you don't know, Marcie and Alex are "best friends" and Alex is she's sleeping with Marcie's husband. Yeah, Alex felt bad about it ,but that ain't stopping her. I like the fact that she attempts to break things off, but we will see how long this lasts. Now Marcie's husband is like obsessed about Alex (no clue why) from what I can see. How are you all best friends but you're fucking my husband? I have a problem though; how do you plan on passing a mixed baby off as your husbands. Think he'll find it a little strange that his baby is darker than he is. I just can't with her. Now this one character, Esperanza, has this ex (who is a fucking loony toon) who think he is just. . .that dude. Edward. I have a love hate relationship with him. Love looking at him, hate that he is a complete dick. Its something about him though that is so. . .appealing. The guy Esperanza is seeing,  Julius. . .damn. That man, that man. . .anyone who knows me personally knows that Hispanic/Latin men are my weakness lol. But he gets shot in the leg! By Edward not to mention. I will say this though; I don't feel sorry for Edward at all. He picked a fight with the wrong one lol I didn't know what Julius was saying when he stopped by Esperanza's place, but I understood Cartel and knew Edward had just stepped in some shit. I knew something wasn't right. That man (Julius) was too calm after being shot. We'll see how that turns out. I have no clue why Esperanza's ass ain't cut Ed yet. Lords knows I would have done it a long time ago. Now, I can say I do like Natalie. Hard working woman taking care of her kids. I respect that. Her son that just got out of jail. . .Joey. . .I'm speechless lol can't stop looking at him, that's all I'm going to say lol bad part is he was dealing. I won't even touch you if you're involved with that. I felt bad for Kelly though. That whole situation was messed up. That man knew he could have said something to her before she bought that house. But over all, it's an amazing show. Check it out on OWN.


One thing I HATE is when I see people wearing fake designer labels. If you can't afford the real thing, then save up and buy the real thing. . .or stop trying to live above your means. I personally find it insulting when I spot it. I feel like you're calling me stupid, trying to pass something off as something other than what it really is. Not to mention, I feel like it's an insult to the designer. Most common ones I've seen are Louis Vuitton and Gucci. To make things worse, the majority if the times it's not even a good fake bag or whatever it's supposed to be. This is why you're able to spot the fake. My point is; if you can't afford it, then you don't need it. Simple as that.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

This Is Not A Joke. . .

This particular subject is a very serious matter. I don't take it lightly at all. Domestic abuse. I'm not going to sit here and throw all these stats and data at you, but I will say that it has become too common now. What gives a man the right to put his hands on a female? The way I was raised, it's unacceptable behavior. Let me throw this in there too; I don't believe a woman needs to hit a man. When she does she now puts herself in that position of a man and only God knows what will happen. So many women have been in this situation. Women I know personally and am close to have been in this situation so you can imagine how serious I take this. It angers me. There is always some psychological reason as to why men hit women. Some say it's because they've been exposed to it and that's all they know. Maybe it’s an anger issue? I do want to know one thing though; why do some women stay? I can never wrap my mind around it. Maybe it's a self-esteem issue or maybe they're afraid and don't see a way out. Either way, there IS a way out. Leave. Leave and don't look back. No matter how many times he's said he's sorry or how much you love that person. It's bullshit. The one you're with clearly needs help that is beyond your power. At some point you have to choose yourself. If you are in the position to fight back, do it. It is about choosing yourself. Now there are different types of abuse, but I posted links below for anyone who is currently experiencing abuse. Hopefully it helps someone.

Web sources:

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)