Monday, April 13, 2015

Warning Labels

It has occurred to me that both men and women get hurt in relationships. So, what if everyone you met had a warning label attached to them? Do you not know how much time I would save in trying to get involved in a relationship? I can see it now; the most dangerous side effect (characteristic) would listed first then going down the line. I wonder how many people would have "pathological liar" or "potential cheater". What's interesting is everyone has a warning label, its just that its not so obvious. We actually have to pay attention and look at what is in front of us. So until someone has the brains to come up with this, open your eyes and pay attention.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Well people, it's a new year. New set of goals, new outlook on life and new set of mistakes to be made. Learn from them. . .please. I know everyone has their New Years Resolutions. I just have goals. That's all they really are; goals. I made a few goals and I plan on sticking with them. Whatever goal you have, stick to it. It's all possible. I started this year with a new slate and hope everyone else is doing the same. All of the mess and negativity that went on in 2K14, I'm leaving it there and not picking back up. This year is a year of action and I'm taking it. My number one goal this year is to treat myself better. What I mean by this is taking time to doing something nice for myself, and treating my body better (includes eating better and working out more). For the past month I have been in this really nasty and negative space. After doing some serious thinking, I'm seeing the source of what is causing it and I'm doing something about it. So, I am taking steps to be a better me and make my life better. TAKE ACTION! If you want something to change in your life, whatever that is, do it and stop complaining about it. Let 2K15 be the year of action.